"His virile singing had rich colorings in softer passages and ringing top notes. Handsome and a good actor, he seems set to go."
New York Times
In Performance
“Alexander Birch Elliott was a tall, slender Prince Yeletsky. His is such a persuasively handsome, mellifluous presence, it is hard to see why Lisa prefers Gherman. Mr. Elliott’s forceful, pointed baritone might have effortlessly filled a house several times the size of the intimate Blank Theatre. His rendition of Yeletsky’s well-traveled aria was secure and pleasurable to hear” -Opera Today
"Just striding on stage he was something special. He has authority built in. With a magnetic, expansive presence and a deep clarion voice that amply filled the Wortham, this singer is going places. He's got that look, that sound, that certain aura." -Houston Press
"Alexander Elliott, appearing as Raphael and Adam, showed off a gorgeous chestnut baritone, smooth, velvety, with a perfectly hazy soft voice." -The New Criterion