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"His virile singing had rich colorings in softer passages and ringing top notes. Handsome and a good actor, he seems set to go." 

New York Times

In Performance

“Alexander Birch Elliott was a tall, slender Prince Yeletsky. His is such a persuasively handsome, mellifluous presence, it is hard to see why Lisa prefers Gherman. Mr. Elliott’s forceful, pointed baritone might have effortlessly filled a house several times the size of the intimate Blank Theatre. His rendition of Yeletsky’s well-traveled aria was secure and pleasurable to hear” -Opera Today

"Just striding on stage he was something special. He has authority built in. With a magnetic, expansive presence and a deep clarion voice that amply filled the Wortham, this singer is going places. He's got that look, that sound, that certain aura." -Houston Press

Messiah: "The trumpet shall sound"
00:00 / 03:56
Messiah: "Thus saith the Lord"
00:00 / 01:14
Creation: Nun scheint in vollem Glanze der Himmel
00:00 / 03:06

"Alexander Elliott, appearing as Raphael and Adam, showed off a gorgeous chestnut baritone, smooth, velvety, with a perfectly hazy soft voice." -The New Criterion

Photo Gallery

"As the slimy Léandre, Alexander Birch Elliott provides ample sleaze with ease, as he effortlessly rolls out his buttery, portentous baritone."

Opera Today
Love for Three Oranges
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